State University Of Land Use Planning

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State University of Land Use Planning and Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas entered into a framework agreement

On November 15th, 2012 State University of Land Use Planning (GUZ - Moscow - Russia) and Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas (UDFJC - Bogota, Colombia) entered into a framework agreement in the sphere of cadastre, geodesy and GIS which was signed in the presence of the following persons:

  1. Rector of Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas Mr. Inocencio Bahamon Calderon,
  2. Vice rector on international department of Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose De Caldas Mr. Alexis Adamy Ortiz Morales,
  3. Mr.Jose Avel Rico, Doctor in geodesy science on behalf of Univresidad Distrital Fransicso Jose de Caldas.

The head of Laboratory of geodetic instruments and metrology Mr. Kovalev Sergey Vladimirovish performed as an official representative on behalf of the State University of Land Use Planning.

From our part the framework agreement was signed by the Rector of State University of Land Use Planning Mr. Volkov Sergey Nikolaevich as well as vice rector on international department Mr. Nilipovsky Vasilii Ivanovich on November 9th, 2012.

Subsequently this agreement has been delivered to Colombia to be signed from their part. All the procedure took one month.

In space of time while signing the above mentioned agreement in Colombia the negotiations had been carried out about the construction of the Laboratory of Metrololgy and Standards (designed GUZ) in the Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas. For the period of construction of the laboratory Universidad Distrital Fransisco Jose de Caldas is willing to invite two students from the State University of Land Use Planning.

In March 2013 the delegation from Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas with a recor as a head of delegation, Mr. Inocenctio Bahamon Calderon, is willing to visit State University of Land Use Planning.

State University of Land Use Planning in April and May 2013 is looking forward to invite several students from Universidad Distrital Fransisco Jose de Caldas for training in the Laboratory. The lectures will be delivered in the Spanish language.

This agreement has become feasible due to the organization of works carried out by the rector of State University of Land Use Planning Mr. Volkov Sergey Nikolaevich who has succeeded in the organization of short-term training courses for the students from Latin America in the Spanish language as well as selection of staff member capable to implement international tasks as well as connected projects .

From their part, Universidad Distrital Fransisco Jose de Caldas is keen on obtaining technologies in geodesy, GIS, photogrammetry and cadastre, elaborated in GUZ, deserved to be applicated at high category.

To the right Mr. Inocencio Bahamon Calderon, Rector Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas, shaking hand with official representative of the State University of Land Use Planning, head of the Laboratory of geodetic instruments and metrology Mr. Kovalev Sergey Vladimirovich (to the left); in the centre, Mr. Jose Avel Rico, Doctor in geodesy science of Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas.

On the second photo rector of Universidad Fransisco Jose de Caldas Inocencio Bahamon Calderon (to the right) and the vice rector on International Department Mr. Alexis Adamy Ortiz Morales is signing the framework agreement with the State University of Land Use Planning.

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